
Making Waves:

A Legacy of Conversations That Matter

Making Waves was our way of staying connected with our audience during a time of uncertainty. It launched during the pandemic and continued for over five years. Across 176 shows, we explored resilience, innovation, and social justice, amplifying the voices of healthcare heroes, visionary activists, and groundbreaking innovators.

This series wouldn’t have been possible without the dedication of our speakers, team, and community - each conversation was a testament to the power of ideas to spark change. We invite you to explore the shows below, find the stories that resonate with you, and continue the conversation.

Ideas. Change. Everything.


Featured Episodes

Now, let's delve into the 'Featured Episodes' that are bound to challenge, inspire, and invite us into a deeper exploration of navigating the complexities of our time.

Delida Costin – Defying Imposter Syndrome

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, ‘imposter syndrome’ often shadows even the most competent leaders, framing their doubts as personal shortcomings rather than reflections of broader systemic issues. This conversation explores how Delida challenges this narrative...

Scott Ross – Metaverse: Heaven or Hell

Scott sees the Metaverse as a terribly disruptive and possibly dangerous platform. However, as corporations continue to be driven by profits, increasing stock prices, overestimating technology’s potential (VR/AR), and convincing investors that the Metaverse is...

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