Gabe Ruzzier-Gaul
Changing The Way We Farm: How Green Spaces Can Feed Us Into The Future
To produce more quality nutrition for our future, we have to think differently. For example, we can create more resilient food systems by planting trees to turn landowners into farmers, reduce food waste, localize food systems, and benefit the environment.
Gabe Ruzzier-Gaul
Growth & Development Director, Greenspot Farming
After finishing undergrad at UCSB in 2018, Gabe set out to find a way to contribute to a sustainable solution to looming environmental and societal health problems. Greenspot Farming was created to address two major problems on the horizon. 1. Agricultural land loss to development. 2. Increasing demand for quality nutrition. Gabe has spent the last two years collaborating with community members, landowners, and food system operators to reduce food waste, provide healthy calories and plant new trees.