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Keren Etkin – The AgeTech Revolution: Shattering Stereotypes

In by Mark Sylvester

This conversation delves into how technological innovations are reshaping the experiences of our aging population. We’ll explore the significant demographic shifts as the global population of those over 60 is expected to reach 2 billion by 2050, bringing unique challenges and opportunities in healthcare, lifestyle, and economic engagement.

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Delida Costin – Defying Imposter Syndrome

In by Mark Sylvester

In today’s fast-paced corporate world, ‘imposter syndrome’ often shadows even the most competent leaders, framing their doubts as personal shortcomings rather than reflections of broader systemic issues. This conversation explores how Delida challenges this narrative with her extensive experience in high-stakes corporate roles.

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Robert Tercek – How to Digitize The Whole World: Industrial Metaverse is the biggest opportunity in a generation

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

Around the world, cities and industrial concerns are launching digital twins of real-world infrastructure. Unlike the consumer Metaverse, which is designed as a platform for communication and entertainment, the Industrial Metaverse is a tool for obtaining greater efficiency and optimal performance from real-world operations in many fields.

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Wendy Whitman – Evil Obsessions: Unraveling Our Fascination with Crime

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

The “true crime” phenomenon has never been more evident. From television series to books to documentaries, there seems to be a never-ending fascination with crime, specifically murder. Serial killers are a constant topic of conversation, whether in the news or in fictional shows and novels. In interview after interview, Wendy Whitman has been asked to explain this obsession.

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Alex Sheshunoff – The Future of Remote Work

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

Where, when, and, even, why we work has been turned on its head by the pandemic. In a far-reaching yet jargon-free conversation, Alex and Mark discuss where we are heading and what leading organizations are doing to harness the opportunities, mitigate the risks, and see beyond the horizon to the new normal.

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Scott Ross – Metaverse: Heaven or Hell

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

Scott sees the Metaverse as a terribly disruptive and possibly dangerous platform. However, as corporations continue to be driven by profits, increasing stock prices, overestimating technology’s potential (VR/AR), and convincing investors that the Metaverse is the holy grail… we will see significant technical advances in CGI.

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Jesse Rosenberg – Charge Your Commute

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

Whether it’s a morning commute or a weekend ride with friends, bike share can help cities meet their sustainability goals, and with e-bikes, can revolutionize transportation in their communities. People will not leave a major city without experiencing or seeing an active rider or bike-share system live.

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Mike Fero, Ph.D. – Organism Making and Modding

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

Until recently, modifying microbial, plant, and animal cells has been a slow and artisanal process. However, with advances in technology allowing researchers to read, write, cut, copy and paste DNA much more easily, systems can now be put in places that vastly accelerate product development of everything from bio-based replacements for petroleum-derived chemicals to modified human cells that fight cancer.

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Melissa Yamaguchi – Beyond Vision and Purpose

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

Having vision and purpose isn’t enough, you must take action. The four roadblocks people often unknowingly or knowingly run into cause entropy. Your mind is the biggest cause of your inaction. What if one of the clues to discovering the keys to untapping your mind’s strengths lay in a greater sense of self? Turning your thoughts into reality requires self-awareness.

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Lynda Weinman, Patrick Hall – Kindred Spirits, a collaboration between traditional ceramics and 3D printed clay

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

During the past year’s shutdown, Patrick and Lynda got busy. They collaborated on a series of pieces that combined traditional ceramics techniques and 3D clay printing. The result is that they both pushed their work in new, unforeseen directions and landed a prestigious exhibition at Sullivan Goss gallery Santa Barbara.

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John Seigel Boettner – Riding on the Shoulders of Giants

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

We will talk with John Seigel Boettner, the Santa Barbara representative of Cycling Without Age. A worldwide movement providing joy and vitality to older adults through the magic of a bicycle ride. Memories are awakened by the wind, community renewed by a wave, and citizenship remembered when a silver-haired giant gives you a wink and a nod at the crosswalk.

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Sharon Allen – Providing sustainable medical expertise to vulnerable communities all over the world.

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

We will talk with Sharon Allen, the co-founder of World Telehealth Initiative about their mission to provide sustainable medical expertise to the world’s most vulnerable communities to build local capacity and deliver core health services, through a network of volunteer health care professionals supported with state-of-the-art technology.

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O.P. Almaraz – Cleaning Up After COVID

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

O.P. asks, “Is your building asymptomatic?” As the first restoration company in the US that is certified by the Global BioRisk Advisory Council, he knows what a clean workplace should look like. He has advice to employers, employees, and homeowners who want their buildings to be safe.

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Geoff Green – Philanthropy as a Radical Act

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

The role of philanthropy during the COVID Crisis.
Geoff makes conversations about philanthropy fascinating because he is fascinated by it. While now may seem the wrong time to ask for donations, Geoff makes a case that now is the exact time to put your money to work, especially during an emergency.

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Seth Streeter – Leaping forward into deferred dreams

In Making Waves Conversations by Mark Sylvester

Leaping forward into deferred dreamsHow to design and ignite your 3.0 lifeSeth Streeter was on the TEDxSantaBarbara stage in 2016, talking about a new way to think about how we manage our money and our lives. In this conversation, we will look at how our current climate is an opportunity to take another look at our goals.Seth StreeterSeth co-founded Mission …