Words, Words, Words. Jessica Cadiente, Library Director, Santa Barbara Public Library
Our September Salon, Words Words, Words. is going to be perfect for anyone who reads, loves books, and is concerned about the future of literacy.
In this podcast, TEDxSantaBarbara's Executive Producer, Mark Sylvester, talks with our Guest Moderator, Jessica Cadiente, Library Director, Santa Barbara Public Library. She's been at the library since 2016. By all accounts, Jessica has added tremendous vitality and vision to the program. She looked through almost 100 TED talks relating to our topic and settled on five that look to be informative and fun. Jessica will expertly guide the discussion through the evening and lead us through a narrative arc that starts off talking about language and its power and then transitions to the power of language in books.
Jessica has curated several show TED talks to help us understand our topic while having fun at the same time. She picked one talk suggesting texting is making us not as smart and possibly killing language. Another talks about our overuse of some words, which strips them of their meaning.
This evening is definitely for those who value ideas and the pursuit of learning. Our format will allow for amply conversation between each of the talks.
We only have 40 seats, so you don't want to be disappointed. Our last Salon sold out.

September 24th
Registration 6:45
Salon begins at 7:30
Cost: $20
September 24, 2019
TEDxSantaBarbaraSalon: Words. Words. Words.
Jessica Cadiente, Library Director, Santa Barbara Public Library will expertly guide our Salon discussion by leading us through an evening that starts off talking about language and its power, then transitions to the power of language in books. Click Below to buy tickets.