Zoë Silverberg 2019 TEDxSantaBarbara Speaker

In TEDxTalks by Christopher Foley


How $14 Can Make Trips to the Doctor Easier

People are afraid of shots. In a talk about fears of vaccines, Zoë Silverberg will explain her own story and how she stumbled upon an accessible solution to this issue.

Zoë Silverberg


Zoë Silverberg is a student at San Marcos High School in Santa Barbara, California. She is passionate about community service, social justice, and children's health. Her projects have taken her from Santa Barbara to New Haven, and Rome. She has been featured in the Wall Street Journal and presented at the World Summit of Pediatrics. When faced with a problem, she discovers innovative solutions using her creative energy. Whether it's a new guitar solo or novel technology, she loves to be on the vanguard.

TEDxSantaBarbara 2019

November 16, 2019

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