With TEDx Adventures, we harness the energy and enthusiasm generated by our annual TEDx conference and turn our community into a laboratory where ideas can continue to evolve and spread beyond the day of the event.
By holding Adventures throughout the community of Santa Barbara, you can learn more about our areas amazing thought-leaders and organizations that promote ideas worth spreading.
Adventures are unique and intimate events, designed to offer you unparalleled, behind-the-scenes access to the people and places that make our local community so dynamic.

Presented by

"At Maps.com we’re explorers. We seek the path that takes us beyond the usual, to places less traveled, while learning each step of the way. TEDxSantaBarbara is like this; an open ended presentation of ideas, thoughts, and feelings that provide better understanding of humanity. TEDxSantaBarbaraAdventures and Maps.com are simpatico; a road to the future defined with opportunity, curiosity, and friendship."
TEDx SantaBarbara Adventure:
Behind the Scenes at the Carpinteria Salt Marsh.
Adventure postponed due to Coronavirus.
We will reschedule this Salon as the CDC issues guidance that it’s safe to gather in groups again.
Presented by:
- Andrew Brooks, Ph.D., Marine Science Institute, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Natural Reserve System
- Marion Wittmann, Ph.D., Executive Director, UC Santa Barbara Natural Reserve System
- Erin Winslow, Ph.D. Student, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, UC Santa Barbara, Moorea Coral Reef LTER
- Brandon Quintana, Research Technician, Lenihan Lab, Bren School of Environmental Science & Management, UC Santa Barbara
Andrew Brooks, Ph.D., Marine Science Institute, UC Santa Barbara, and UC Natural Reserve System will lead a team of his colleagues in an interactive tour of the Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve. He’ll be talking about how the Salt Marsh survived the recent fire and debris flow and the impact of sea-level rise on the area.
This Adventure is brought to TEDxSanta Barbara through a relationship with the Bren School of Environmental Science and Management and the University of California's Natural Reserve System at UCSB.
Carpinteria Salt Marsh Reserve ($35)
5775 Carpinteria Ave, Carpinteria

Adventure Suggestions
If you have an idea for a topic to cover in an upcoming TEDxSantaBarbara Adventure, we’d love to hear it.
Click here to Contact Us, and let us know what you have in mind.
Past Events

August 13, 2019
Behind the Scenes at the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History
The Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History holds a vast treasure of specimens collected over the past 100 years. Dr. Krista Fahy will lead us through her favorites as she show us the Museum’s Vertebrate Zoology Collection. You’ll see otters from the 1800’s and hear what she’s learned by studying their hair, as well as birds from around the region and what can be learned by examining them.
Did you know that the scientists can learn about our region's dynamic food chain by studying the DNA from a single hair of an animal?
Join us on Tuesday, August 13th, at 5:30 pm for our next TEDxSantaBarbara Adventure. We're going to explore the Museum's Vertebrate Collection with an exclusive backstage look at how the scientists at the Museum spend their days.
There are 5+ million artifacts in the collection, from microscopic orchids to the giant whale in front of the Museum (named Chad). We'll be focusing on birds, bears, otters, and hundreds of other animals.
In addition to enjoying wines and snacks, the Museum is bringing out their live Birds of Prey for us to get a close look at these majestic creatures.
Don't miss this Adventure. After this unique tour, you'll be thinking about the animals in our area very differently.

June 18, 2019
Behind The Scenes of the Funk Zone - Happy Hour Tour