John Davies
Is Any Form of Energy Acceptable? Rethinking how we evaluate energy creation.
John Davies will explore the powerful journey humanity has followed on the path of ever-improving energy and how the lessons of the past should lead us to a desire for a fact-based, non-politicized, national conversation and education on energy.
Per Capita Co2 emissions in the US decreased by 21.35% since 1980
1980: 20.55t
2017: 16.16t
Globally, CO2 emissions continue to rise.
John Davies
Communicator, CEO, Davies Public Affairs
John has spent his life studying how to earn the public’s attention for the issues and causes he is passionate about. This pursuit has been to understand how we learn, what captures our attention, how we are persuaded, what motivates us to take action, or why we ignore a cause or an issue. John and his firm, Davies Public Affairs, bring nearly five decades of experience addressing many of the most emotional and important issues our communities face, from housing to water to energy and healthcare.